How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down on the Farm?

So, yeah, I’ve been gone awhile. Miss me? Awww, don’t try to hide it, you know you did…anyhoo, I was in France, and it was fantastique. I saw things that filled me with all kinds of emotion, and spent the 15 days careening through spells of extreme joy, wonder, fascination, confusion, understanding on a deeper level than I am accustomed to (though I did learn that the French fully comprehend the meaning of the word, “Huh?”), empathy and awe. I felt overwhelmed often, but in a positive way, as if I was experiencing without really thinking about it; I think the word for that is ‘living’. I felt very alive and vibrant while I was there. It was hard to come back. In fact, I started a blog post entitled “Ten Reasons the Entire Country of France Is Better Than Where I Live Now“, but I flooded it so full of pictures that it got all messed up, and I got frustrated and quit. Now I have a huge backlog of backblogs, and that’s daunting, believe you me! I mean, my devoted readers expect a certain level of quality in this blog, a sharp, wise, well-reasoned look at the world we live in, a witty, unique commentary on truths that, without my unblinking eye and commitment to accessible explanation of the global trends, trials and in-depth analysis, you might not be able to grasp fully, and, most of all, news of me…well, that’s a tall order, and I have to have some big feet to fill my own shoes, I tell you what! I make it look easy, but…well, I digress…

Suffice it to say that even though I know you are all eagerly awaiting my certain brand of voyage reportage, I’m not telling. It was such a big adventure, and this blog is devoted to smaller adventures. All you will get is drips and drabs. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it has got to be. Und now ve look at pictures:

Going to the ball at 9:00 a.m.
And yet, there aren’t that many fatalities…

Just a screen door…

Caption: Man’s best friend

Pig pastry
Yeah, I loved it. My grandmother, rest her soul, was a world traveller. Of Paris she said, “Mmmm… it’s not so nice. We have Turtle Creek, which is a lot cleaner and nicer than the Seine. Tom Thumb makes French bread, and our museum has wonderful paintings and is a lot easier to get around than The Louvre. Less crowded, too!” I loved my Mom Mom, but I have to disagree. There’s a big world out there and a million ways to be happy. Seeing art and music everywhere, eating delicious, diverse foods, smelling the odor of life (sometimes not so good, but honest!), getting lost in sound and color, and people, people everywhere…it wraps me in hope for the future, humanity, and myself. I’m glad I got to see things from a different perspective.
More photos to come! Au revoir!

Bonjour, Y’all!

Have ya missed me? Surprise! I am on a wonderful adventure! I meant to blog all about it, and I even lugged my heavy computer over the ocean, but I have been having Internet difficulties and lots of fun, so I haven’t had a chance…maybe later this week things will be easier, and I’ll try again.

So…want to know where I am? What? I can’t hear you! Ah, how I do love that game! Anyway, I’m not telling. Psych! However, if you tune into the Tour de France tomorrow, maybe you will see me. I’m not riding this year (my old war injury flared up; Nam – the quagmire continues!), but I will be at the third to last stage, eating chocolate and yodeling in the hills that are alive with the sound of music (Subtle hint; don’t feel bad if you missed it!), to cheer on this guy who is all into me, some Spaniard named Contador. So… au revior until then!

Alberto Contrador, upon seeing me from his bicycle as I exited the museum. I told him that as a Texan, I only went out with guys who drove cool cars, like Hummers, but he is very persistant. It’s charming, yes, but a little tiresome, know what I mean?

Watch and learn!

Hi, there!*

I think I have decided on my next writer’s challenge. This one is called “Bearing Witness”, and the assignment is to write about a time when you saw something unexpected. This can be in any format; poetry, prose, short story, essay – whatever. I’m going to try to keep mine short; I’m thinking I’ll do moments in time that revealed something interesting or unusual. Like one time, when I was in Paris, I was on the subway, trying to look native and bored. We roared through a tunnel and screaked** to a stop, where I was to exit. You don’t have too much time to get your stuff together on the Metro before the doors open and then close again, and if you miss your window of opportunity, that’s how the train rolls. I was watching as the car pulled into the station. Up ahead in the crowd of people, a lady in a black coat and a purple scarf caught my eye. She was facing a handsome man who was holding both of her hands in his. They looked like they were about to kiss. The train stopped right in front of them and the doors slid open. All of a sudden, the woman yanked her hands from the man’s as if they were burning her, and she burst into tears. She turned on her heel and I saw her face and she saw me. Such pain! Her heart was breaking. She seemed naked, but not so much in a hot way. So angry,and fierce, but also vulnerable, puny na d frightened. It was all so raw and powerful. Tears welled in my own eyes. I put my hands on the window. The man came after her, worried, shaken. “Sylvie, please!” The doors glided together. Her purple scarf fluttered in the whoosh of air the subway left in it’s wake. I missed my stop.

Sad, huh? I wonder what happened and how things turned out. The whole thing only took a few minutes, maybe just seconds, but I’ve never forgotten it. I have a million moments like this, though many are happier, some funny, some scary or poignant. A few seem to reveal great truths; others, meaningless but memorable. La vida del voyeur. Send me what you have witnessed, and I’ll post it. You can either email me or leave it in the comments section of this blog. Do it! How often do you get a chance to share one of life’s little pearls with perfect strangers***? Come on!

*Try reading this in the voice of Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington. Ah, sweet sweathog! You and Vinnie are never far from my heart…

** But it should be a word, right?!

*** And by “perfect strangers”, I mean me and my mom, as we are the only people who read this blog anyway, and she only does it when I guilt her into it.

A Picture is Worth at Least Ten Words: Escape

All the best stories are but one story in reality – the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape. A. C. Benson

“They spoil every romance by trying to make it last forever.” Oscar Wilde
“Three is A Magic Number” Bob Dorough, Schoolhouse Rock

“Quarter to four in the morning – I ain’t feeling tired,no,no,no! Just hold me tight, and leave off the light, ‘cuz I don’t wanna go home!” Leo Sayer, “You Make Me Feel like Dancing”
“…and this bird you cannot chain!!!” (Do I even have to say it?)

Someday I’ll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that’s where you’ll find me. E.Y Harburg

“Take Off, Eh?” Bob and Doug McKenzie, SCTV

So… got any escape pictures, stories, or quotes?
Happy Birthday to Christina!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too many words, not enough pictures edition

Item #1 – DISEASE, real and fabricated

So, the swine flu scare has fizzled out, but pork induced panic was the daily dish there for awhile, n’est-ce pas, my faithful reader? At my work the outbreak coincided with the state assessment test that qualifies us for federal funding under the No Child Left Behind Act, so we were faced with quite the dilemma: do we risk infecting our students and faculty to a pandemic virus with as-of -yet unknown capacities, and force sneezing, snivelling, drooling kids to sit for whole days in poorly ventilated, crowded rooms, to take long, arduous, boring tests in complete silence under psychologically manipulative jail-like conditions, or do we allow the ill and infirm to seek medical help or heal in their own time, as nature intends it? Being the district that we are, we chose the former, rounding up kids at home and dragging them from their sickbeds to make sure we had enough bodies to meet our quota and get our money. We put them in a “quarantine room” and got a teacher “who didn’t have kids” to monitor them, lest he take the porcine pestilence home with him to his family. I don’t know if we had any swine flu cases, but we sure did have a lot of sick kids. For some reason, we had an outbreak of pink-eye, which can look like pig-eye, but I don’t think they were related. When I was a kid, I loved pink-eye. It was the second best excuse to stay home from school ever, because it’s highly contagious, can be gone in a day or two (three if your mom was preoccupied), and the doctor could just “prescribe” your “medicine” over the phone – no doctor’s note necessary. In other words, you could just say you had pink-eye, and nobody was the wiser, unless they looked, which they wouldn’t, because you were nowhere to be found, just a’skippin down that road of truancy, like Dorothy on Yellow Brick! Sweet! The first best excuse only worked with male teachers, but all you really needed was one nervous, young teacher to fall for it, and you could leave early for lunch, split campus, and come back in time to go home. Just two words, delivered with a look of sincere shame and horror was your ticket to freedom without penalty of a full day’s absence:”Lady problems.” If you looked uncomfortable enough, it was a no-questions-do-what-you-gotta-do-seeya-when-I-seeya free ride extravaganza. Those were the good old days. As I got older I relied on the more outlandish stories, but they required a lot more effort to come up with and remember. The more unbelievable the story, the more acceptable. I guess college professors and employers don’t understand the depths I have had to stoop to in order to shirk those responsibilities for which I am simply not adapted. I used a form of “the explosive toilet” a record 6 times in my illustrious college career, called in “too high” when I worked at a bar, and have twice this year claimed I was trapped in my garage and therefore unable to make it on time.
Item # 2 – CONFUSIOn
I am confused often. I walk the wrong way, I lose food while I am eating it, I forget what day it is, time slips out of my awareness like sperm through a hole in a condom. Sometimes I say things like, “They were just two ships, flying in the sky.” I think I get this from my mother. Lately, I’ve had a touch of the in-som-nye-yay, so the sleep deprivation has made me even more confused than normal, though, like I said, I am prone to it. One time while watching one of those “In Memoriam” segments that they do on TV at the end of the year, I was touched by a black and white photo of Fay Wray, so small and blond and perfect in the strong, rubbery, black hand of the beast. “Oh, how sad, ” I moaned. “I didn’t know that King Kong died!” You get the picture.
One thing I do try vigilantly to remember is to be a good steward of the earth. I try to save everything; water (got a bucket in the shower), gas (freeze all winter, but sometimes it’s just because I forget I have a thermostat), electricity (I look better in the dark, anyway), face; you name it, I try to save it. So I was drying my clothes out on the line the other day, but I forgot that it has been raining in my city for about a month straight, and my clothes kept getting soaked. I finally remembered to take my jeans in and let them air-dry in the kitchen. I put them on for casual Friday and went to work, happy as a clam and proud of my ecoconscious ways. However, my mood changed to one of alarm when I noticed that my car was stinking badly. This has happened before. Once it was because I had left groceries in the trunk for three weeks, and another time it was because death crawled under my hood and festered undisturbed, because I was afraid to look it in the eye. This particular smell, however, clung, and followed me into school. It was gross and clammy, like a cast after it’s been worn for a goodly while. Eww. I went to the john to suss out the situation, for that is where I do some of my best thinking. I pulled down my pants and sat in the pose of the famous Rodin sculpture, for that is how one should look when faced with a ponderous problem. Damned if my serious meditation wasn’t shattered by the stench in triplicate, stronger, more powerful than ever before! So gross! So pungent! And then, in a flash, I knew what it was! My vagina had mildewed! I was a shocked as you, delicate reader! I am a clean, pristine, fighting machine (except on weekends, when I occasionally forgo bathing in order to pursue a rigorous schedule of lounging), and besides, who knew that such a thing could even happen? I mean mildew is like some outdated condition like mange, that people now days simply don’t get…muff mange! Can you imagine?! EWWWWW! Understandably, I was horrified, and rushed to the school nurse -as if she would know what to do!- when it occurred to me to smell my pants. Apparently, on rainy days, it is ok to use one’s dryer. Lesson learned.
So, this pirate walks into a bar, and immediately, the bartender notices he has a steering wheel embedded in his groin.
“Dude!” he exclaimed. “You have a steering wheel stuck in your crotch!”
“Aarrrgghh, and it’s drivin’ me nuts, ” said the pirate.

Get it?

SURPRISE BONUS- 2 horse eye pictures:

Plight of the Bumblebee

I thought that I would never see
The bee fly into history
Insect both monumental and humble
The extinct instinct of the bumble
Changes forever the flower and the fruit
Effects the fate of plant and vertebrate
And the spin of the earth on her axis
Though we are unsure of exactly what the fact is
We know
That with a dying flutter
When the last buzz is uttered
When the last desiccated carcass blows onto the wind it once captained
When the coat of security we wore so carelessly becomes unfastened
We will wish that we had not been here to see
The disappearance of the bumble bee

Happy Yeaster – A Holiday Wish For the Ladies

And yea, verily, descended from the land of Vaginium and Ovarium, the Yeastites settled in the Fertile Crescent of Labium and Fallopian. And thereat did they multiply and grow, until the Yeastites were as a strong nation, as abundant as the stars in the Heavens, and as resistant as oil is to water, Limbaugh is to logic. And wherefore the Yeastites looked at their homesteads and dwellings, they said as one, “Yea, it is good. We shall live here and prosper, and on this day shall we exalt Yeast, Our Leader; and on this day shall we proclaim to the Nation, and to our enemies the Bacterium; from this day forward, Yeast will serve as a reminder of our greatness, likened unto an itch that cannot be scratched; and you shall know, and your offspring shall know, and yea, your children’s children shall know the great and enduring power and glory of Yeast: He is risen!”* Song of Organisms 22:3

Happy Yeaster, Ladies.

*Except of course for Jewish Ladies, who at this time are strictly unleavened

Bob Loblog

Hi there, faithful reader (aka Mom)! Seems like it’s been a really long time since I have posted. One would think that in all that time I would have come up with some deep, poignant, enlightening insights, but I… um… I’ve been busy doing lots of other stuff. Important stuff. So instead here is a series of detritus collected from the windmills of my mind. Enjoy.

Now ya see, most birds don’t have penises. I don’t really know how the reproduction thing works, exactly; must be flaps and slots, levers and pulleys, stuff like that, but I’m not here to give you a lesson on the birds and the bees (which, as you probably know, are mysteriously vanishing, which is driving up the price of almonds, among other things. When someone mentioned this in my pilates class, my teacher snorted, “That’s ridiculous! Almonds don’t grow in flowers!”) As, I was saying, I’m here to talk about ducks, specifically. Duck dicks, to be even more specific (Sorry, Mom!)
The male duck, or drake, does indeed have a penis, and they can be as big as 14 inches. That’s right, you heard me. (Daffy sez: It ain’t braggin’ if it’s draggin’!) This is not altogether good news for the lady duck, which, by the way, is called a duck. I don’t know why she doesn’t get a special name. Anyhoo, the lady duck isn’t so into her massively endowed partner because duck sex is NOT consensual. The male grabs the female’s neck and forces her head under water (which doesn’t seem like it would be such a big deal, but apparently it is) and then rapes her. Nature is a cruel mistress and drakes are assholes. But the lady duck has a trick or two up her sleeve- well, not up her sleeve, exactly, but up her incredibly complex and highly evolved hoo-hoo. In her Fowlopian Tubes, if you will. (Get it?) It seems that the duck vagina has these false passages that lead to no safe haven for duck sperm to dwell and thus impregnate the sweet ducklet. By contracting her muscles she is able to steer the sperm of prospective mates either to the quackless zone or the bingo bucket. She even has one canal that ends up in a corkscrew shape that sends the sperm into a swirling vortex! I forget why, but still I will tell you about it. I can’t understand why Eduardo doesn’t just love this stuff….


I just got back from Denver, where I had to attend a really boring convention. While I was there a blizzard whooshed in. Schools were closed, roads were closed; the convention remained open. It was 13 degrees, with a windchill factor of…well, I don’t remember, but colder than 13 degrees. Nine inches of fat,wet snow blanketed the town. Giant bears that had just awakened from their winter hibernation turned blue and tried to break into huge glass houses. See the little person at the bottom of the picture? As you can see, he was TERRIFIED!

Horses, afraid of getting buried in the titanic snow drifts scrambled to the top of massive school chairs thoughtful Denverians had erected for just such occasions.

Red and gray foxes broke into peoples house to eat their food and drink their beer:

It was traumatic. I’m ok, though. Don’t worry about me.
Was he a greater magician or musician? You be the judge!


Today, March 22nd, is the 22nd anninversary of my 22nd year. It is the first Sunday in the spring, and it is a very good day.
Thank you, thank you to all of my loved ones who give my life quality, meaning, peace and joy. Yay, life!

What you say about his company is what you say about society

Sung to the tune of ‘Sandra Dee’ from Grease:

Look at me, I’m Geddy Lee

With striped socks way up my knee

Shorts in the crack, but I’m really quite stacked

It’s me, in the Seventies!

New school, for me ,with diversity

Where brown and black mix with whitey

What do I do, but find a preppy Jew?

It’s me in the Seventies, hee-hee!
I like Journey, and gum
I think math is so dumb
and I sing at the top of my lungs
I have rules that I like to posit
Like No kissing with tongues
Until after three minutes in the closet!

Soon, I’ll be caught,
in punk rock and pot
With my parents,
epic battles will be fought
But can’t you see
For now I’m so Hap-hap-happy
It’s me in the Seventies!