Live, dammit, live!
Today I learned CPR, so I’ve been concentrating on the song “Stayin’ Alive” pretty intently. When someone needs your oxygen, you have to slam it into him, forcing him to live, dammit, live, but without cracking any ribs or sternums. Easier said than done, but evidently this is key, because the instructor kept telling me to lighten up. It seems that while tiny, I am strong as the dickens, like a gnat on crystal meth. Either that, or my mannequin, who I dubbed Manny Ken, was a real wuss of a latex torso, a possibility I refuse to entertain, as I think I could have a satisfying, committed future with a rubber half-man. Come to think of it, maybe I already do. Anyhoo, you have to do 30 pulses in a given amount of time, and that time turns out to be approximately the 4/4 time of the 8 bars that come before the first chorus of the iconic song of a tightly pantsed, heavily coiffed and platform shoe sporting generation. “Stayin’ Alive” not only has the proper time signature, but it’s also mighty easy to remember if you are breathing life into some poor, unconscious schlub; eyes on the prize, right? It is important not to get too cocky, though; if you go with the more assured “I Will Survive,” you will probably kill the hapless victim who counted on you to resuscitate him. The first part of that song is fatally slow, for melancholy affect. In that case, your love [for said hapless victim] will be like bad medicine. Even if the dude you happen to be rescuing is Jon Bon Jovi himself, and he calls out to you, “I need a respirator cause I’m runnin’ out of breath/ you’re like a generator wrapped in stockings and a dress*,” be aware that you will surely stop his heart if you pump him full of Gloria Gaynor, glass-half-full kind of gal though she is, and, given the blaze of glory that Bon Jovi is for 80’s rockers and fans of fabulous golden manes, that would truly be, as the Bee Gees poignantly moaned, a “TRAGEDY!”**
Television Trisuckta
The other day I was simultaneously watching three terrible TV shows. While this didn’t compel me to turn off the box, it was a real eye opener as to what people are entertained by today. On one channel, Entertainment Tonight was doing a long piece on Bristol Palin’s triumphant return to Wasila to film an episode of Dancing With the Stars. I can’t be sure, but it appeared from the segment that perhaps Bristol is neither too bright nor too interesting. In fact, there was some evidence that all of Wasila is neither too bright nor too interesting, and that Entertainment Tonight is not so entertaining.
Shine On
Yesterday, the 22nd of September, there was a Harvest Moon. That sounds romantic, but I had to look up what a Harvest Moon is; I mean, I am a farmer and all, but not that kind of farmer that knows things about growing stuff. A Harvest Moon is a full moon that falls on the Autumnal Equinox, the last day of summer and the first day of fall. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Autumnal Equinox is on the 22nd or 23rd of September, and this year the Harvest Moon rose five and a half hours after the Equinox began. I don’t know when the last time the moon was so close to the Equinox, but it will be a long time before it happens again. That’s gotta be lucky. It’s going to be an especially good year , everybody!This lovely picture is by Astropixie. If you want to read a long, groovy, astrological account of what the month of September means to you, check this out:
This is a Half-Cheek Moon. It happened in August. When you see this, it means somebody is drunk. I can’t remember who.
Flocking to films
Talkin’ Tube
At one point in my life, I had an ex-boyfriend sit down with a boyfriend-to-be to discuss the situation, which was, in this case, not an abs obsessed asshole, but me. They were layin’ it down, mano a mano, tellin’ it like it be. I wasn’t there, and they could say anything, anything at all, as part of a man ritual: the passing of a chick baton. “Yeah,” the old said to the new. “She’s cool with the tube.” Words to love by.
Bizniss ’bout the blog
Now that I am completely computer savvy (perhaps you’ve noticed that I can embed video right into my blog), I have learned how to use the Internet to gather pertinent information about said blog and those who read it. For example, the most popular keyword search that has led new people to my blog, “sedona cocksucker rock”* has been replaced by “justine bateman godless”, which I think is lees a speculation on her religious leanings than a hapless misspelling. I have learned that there must be an infestation of nutria in the UK, Germany, and parts of Asia, as people from those regions tend to go to Google Images and find a picture of the disgusting cheeto-fanged rat I displayed. Once there, they check out the fascinating factual content I posted, learn a little something, and then move on, enlightened and empowered. According to my statistic counting tool, this scholarly study takes them 0.0 seconds.
*’sedona cocksucker rock’ really is a phrase that was searched – three times – that led people to my blog. Who does that? I mean I wrote about it, but who thinks to search that shit?
Truer words seldom spoken
Art Appreciation
How cool is this?!
70 Million by Hold Your Horses ! from L’Ogre on Vimeo.
Thank you to Michael by way of Trixie!
Dirty Knobs
The other day I had a ridiculous early meeting at school and then a preposterous late meeting at the theater, so when I came home it was dark. The motion detector on the light at my back door had burned out, so I fumbled for my keys, and when I finally turned the door knob, it was all caked with mud.