The Very First
Just in case you’re keeping a chronological list:
That was back when I was adorable. Look how cute I was!
I wrote a blog before this one about a trip I took with McAdams to Montana.That was the birth of the magic. My very first favorite picture from that blog was this one, entitled “Holy Shit House, Batman!”

I still love it! Historically accurate rock rules!
Oh, just listen to my love sound! By the way, The DeFrancos were Canadian. That’s just another little fun fact I offer you here, on this blog, free of charge. Anyway, this just proves that I have always had impeccable taste in music, and you should think that I am wise, discerning and urbane. Think that now, please.

Mama came home from school and shrugged the heavy book bag from her sagging shoulder. Then came the slow process of shedding the armor she wore against the cold: the peeling off of the gloves, finger by finger; the wool hat releasing the damp hair beneath; the unwinding of the scarf, over the head and around, over and around, enough to make you dizzy; thick coat, button down sweater, pullover, and finally the elegant figure of mama emerged, like a delicate bird that had landed uncertainly in the living room. Only her belly looked incongruous, as if she had swallowed a beach ball. Where had she found a beach ball, here in the middle of a Wisconsin winter?
“You asked me where your sister came from, and how she got in my stomach. Those are good questions. I got you a special book from the library today. Shall we make some hot chocolate and read it?”
The book was filled with pictures made from figures cut out of brightly colored construction paper. It was called Where Did I Come From? We spread the pages across our laps, warm and filled with the taste of sweet, curled in on each other like the leaves of a cabbage. I smiled. I was happy and ready to begin. “Your Mommy and Daddy love each other very much,” she began, as I fingered the picture of a smiling, dark haired man, holding the hand of a pretty blonde lady…
I think I am about to embark on some firsts coming up in the near future. Normally, change scares the heck outta me, and I resist it like kitties resist the shower. Try it. They resist real hard. But many of my firsts have been great, and if it weren’t for them, there would never have been seconds. Bring it on, life! I ain’t afraid of you!
*Charo pronounces it “cuchi – cuchi”. Two free fun facts in one posts! Damn, this blog is good!
I’m free to do what I want, any old time
By the way, I am aware that many of you hate these sad-sack political posts.
You Don’t Need A Weatherman…
Man, oh man. We are living in some strange times, right? I guess every generation has occasion to say that, and probably more than once, but it’s so bizarre how you’ll just be going along, living life, and all of a sudden the road that you’re traveling becomes some bizarre Escher landscape, all fragmented fractals and tessellated tangents. Things are completely falling apart and being reformed, almost simultaneously. Chaos versus new order, indecision seems the most secure option, hope looms large while being scattershot by snipers. All over the world, people are committing to change and possibility, even if that promise is eyelash slim. One estimates how hot the fire blazes, and then dives headlong out of the frying pan. People desperately cling to new found faith; faith that the system will work or will topple; faith that we are doing the right thing; faith that if we accept and obey, everything will turn out all right; faith that there is a plan.
VD 2011
“Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
My niece is turning six this month. What a great year! It’s full of surprise, too. When I was six, I realized that I was going to keep getting older, forever. At the time, that was a good thing.
I lived across the street from the school and I started the first grade in September (no preK or Kindergarten for us, we just manned up and learned it all in one year!)
Reading, wRiting & aRithmetic , and it was taught to the tune of a hickory stick, they could spank you if you were bad. I never got spanked. Others did.
I went to school with my older brother and lots of cousins and everyone in the neighborhood went to the same school.
I had crazy curly red hair and my mother made all my school clothes. She sewed all summer for my wardrobe. It was not extensive or creative. It was functional.
My Mom starched my petticoats (until they cut your naked legs) on the weekends and hung them out on the clothes lines to dry.
My brother had stretchers that they put in his jeans to make a crease. Laundry had its own life!
I had skinny feet and needed good shoes (my father didn’t enjoy that!). We got ONE pair per year. Period.
I had lots of playmates and we played after school and after dinner until dark. No homework until you were older. Maybe the 3rd grade and not much at that.
I loved my box of Crayola’s and never pealed the paper off or broke them. I was so happy when I moved up to 16 from 8 colors.
My favorite color was Burnt Sienna and that was a big step on the color wheel.
We did not have TV or even a clue about TV. We listened to the radio. We took naps. We read books. We wrote in tablets so our handwriting improved.
I had the chicken-pox and nearly clawed my skin off. And Measles also. No shots for us. Just endure and survive.
We had the first Polio vaccine and we took it in sugar lumps. Yummy, but very edgy.
We had only little white children in our schools, and celebrated Christian holidays only.
I bit my nails. I had bird legs and looked like a stick figure. It was all part of a journey that we all took together.
I still have lunch and talk to those kids that were with me in Miss West’s first grade class at James B. Bonham.
We are still on that journey that began at age 6. It was a great adventure, and amazingly enough it started 60 years ago!
This is Nikki Sixx. He has nothing to do with this post, but this is what he looks like when he shouts at the devil.
Blizzard 2011 Rages On…Yay!
Click here to see this image if you have old eyes and it’s all too tiny as is:
Legal Retraction, Beiber Infraction
After being notified by a concerned citizen that I was treading on slanderous ice, and following exhaustive counsel with my team of legal experts, I would like to fully retract all areas of my previous post regarding Justin Bieber, especially those passages in reference to any nocturnal admissions of any female, be she chaste, of questionable morals, or of unparalleled skankitude, into any room of a hotel, motel or Holiday Inn. And also, please disregard any references to the size or dimensions of his weenus, or his alleged weenus; the truth is, I cannot state with any certitude anything about said wingwang or lack thereof, as I would not like to be construed in anyway libelous or even unkind to the boy star. Or his willie.
Sexy, right? I would have paid extra for any of these hirsute harlots. I especially like the one who may or may not look like a lady whose name rhymes with “Godzilla Porker-Gnomes”, on account of I like how eager she is to show off her Beiber-do. Beiber-do-me-right, right?! Yeah, she wants me…I mean, she wants Justine. Anyway, according to my source, who may or may not be a figment of my imagination, Justine went for this guy, the uber-hottie Baby Boy 87 Zevran Sierra, a sim-star in his own virtual universe:
Grrrr! Baby Boy Zevran looks like a sweetie, but he’s a real nasty minx! In the Smelly Pages, which is a listing of all things stanky, B.B. Ate Sev-Zev, as I like to call him, is described as “… a suave young boy with windswept hair. He had brown eyes and brows which made him looked [sic] perpetually frightened and scared.” Dang y’all! How hot is that?! Sounds kind of like a man-child we all know who is comin’ atcha with a new 3-D biopic, on screens in a theater near you later this month, right? But it gets better still; BB87z has an identical twin, Baby 86 Giovanni Sierra! Double my pleasure, double my fun! Can I get a discount if I double my order? (Seriously, you must check this out! I didn’t know things like this really existed!
Zippity-zeke! My oh my, it’s a wonderful week! The BSISD just announced that we would have another snow day! One snow day is a precious gift, to be savored and relived throughout the year. Two days is unprecedented glory. Three snow days… I can’t even begin to describe the joy I feel right now. It’s like a unicorn in a tutu, or a porpoise dancing on a cloud made of rainbow mist. With chocolate. And valium. Valiums. (Vali-yums! Yes, please!)
I think he looks a lot like David Sedaris, world famous author, commentator and funny man. They have the same teeth.
IPM 2011

Here are two poems to whet your whistle:
The horses on the carousel refused to budge.
Notes of music froze and
shattered with prismatic finality…
The mimes couldn’t change their expressions.
When a bread truck overturned and
baguettes were suspended in mid-air
pigeons were afraid to leave their roosts for the feast.
Women in expensive fur hats could not retract icy stares.
Rats went skating on rivers of frozen dog piss.
Double busses refused to straighten out
continued running in circles indefinitely.
Terrorist bombs exploded in s l o w m o t i o n
allowing everyone to escape harm.
A fountain in the Place Edmond Rostand became
a crystal pineapple inhabited by eskimos.
A Norwegian with a pickax broke off pieces for souvenirs.
Outside Paris waterfalls retreated back into mountains.
God Himself became an irrelevant ice cream vendor
slowly scooping a ball of lemon sherbet
from horizon to painted horizon.
©1986, Whitman McGowan